Data selector windows
In places where it is too cumbersome to scroll through a large number of list items to make a selection of one or more items, for example, when you want to populate a filter, Autotask will let you open a Data Selector page that contains multiple search tools.
A data selector is available anywhere you see next to a field.
NOTE Some fields feature typeahead searching in addition to a data selector. Refer to The advanced data selector.
While you are selecting from different Autotask entities, all standard Data Selector pages share the following features:
- Function buttons to Save Selections, Clear Selection or Cancel the selection process
- A pane that displays all values that are currently selected. If the filter allows the selection of multiple values, the pane appears as a box that becomes scrollable if necessary
- One or more direct entry search fields. Like all direct entry search fields in Autotask, they execute a "contains" search. If multiple direct entry search fields are displayed, they can be used independently, for example, you can populate the Contacts search field without entering a value into the Organizations search field. You can also use all fields to consecutively narrow the search
- Some selector windows feature a "begins with letter" search that lets you click a letter to search for all values beginning with that letter or number
- Record count (1-15 of 24)
- Standard page navigation << < [Page x of y drop-down] > >>
- The fields displayed vary depending on the selector, but clicking on the header will sort on that field.
Some data selectors share most of the same functionality. Unlike the standard data selectors, they include simple column filters instead of the traditional search fields.