Autotask SOAP API resources
IMPORTANT The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will eventually be deactivated. At this time, there is no end-of-lifecycle date.
The Autotask Web Services API presents selected Autotask entities as programming objects that allow the client to perform actions on the specific entity type. Each Autotask Entity object inherits from the Autotask base class Entity.
Currently the API provides the following actions: create, update, and query. A delete option is currently available for selected entities. The allowed actions are specific to the entity object, for example, although the client can create certain entity types, not all entity types accept a create() call. All entities can be queried.
NOTE Although you can query all entities, some entities contain fields that cannot be queried. You can find these fields listed in the entity description under "Fields that Cannot Be Queried."

Each entity type object contains an array of properties that describe instances of the entity type. The properties represent data fields. The client can access and act on the entity's field parameters: supplying, updating, or deleting the field data. The allowed actions are specific to the field, for example, when updating an entity, not all fields within the entity can be updated. When querying, a small number of entities contain fields that cannot be queried. Refer to the Note above.
For information on the currently available entities and fields consult the individual descriptions for each entity. See . Some field data may vary between Autotask implementations and cannot be provided in this document, for example, picklist values and user-defined fields. For complete field descriptions specific to your Autotask implementation, use the The getFieldInfo() SOAP API call or getUDFInfo() API calls.
NOTE The Autotask Web Services API stores and returns all entity time data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The id field belongs to each entity and acts as the unique identifier. It is created by the system and cannot be changed by the user application; for example, if you attempt to specify a value for the id field when using the create() API call, the create will fail.

For the Autotask Web Services API, the Read Only and Required field attributes have the following meanings:
- Read Only - Read Only fields cannot be changed in an update() call.
- Required – Required fields must be present when you attempt a create() call.
It is possible for a field to be both Read Only and Required. Some Read Only fields must be supplied for a create(), so they are Required but, once the entity has been created, they cannot be changed.

Unless otherwise noted, API entities do not support the creation or editing of Rich Text content. If an unsupported entity receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text.
When querying a field that has Rich Text, the API will return the text-only version of the field. If the user sends content back to an unsupported entity, the Rich Text and all images it contains will be lost. You cannot use the API to create items that contain Rich Text, but you can add Rich Text later via a supported method.
To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor.

For a list of all currently available entities, refer to , or check the Table of Contents. The Entities list provides
Each entity description includes the following information:
- Which actions can be performed on the entity.
Note that actions are governed by the permissions of the logged in end user; for example, although an Account entity allows a create() call, the logged in end user may not have permission to create an Account entity.
- A listing of Fields that Cannot Be Queried, where applicable.
- A table that lists all standard Autotask fields by Field Name and provides the following information for each field: Field Name, Label, Data Type, Read Only, Is Required, Reference Name (provided only if the field is a reference), Picklist, and Picklist Parent Column Name (only if the field is a picklist child). Can Query is not included because non-queryable fields are listed under a separate heading. Refer to the previous bullet point.
In addition, to obtain current information on Entities and their field data specific to your implementation, use the following two API calls:
- For standard Autotask fields for each entity and all field data specific to your Autotask implementation, use the GET API call.
- For user-defined fields (UDFs) and UDF field data for each entity that allows User Defined Fields, use the GET API call.

The API currently exposes the following entities. Each of the entities inherits from the Autotask base class Entity.
Entity | Description | Supports webhooks? |
Account | Describes an Autotask Account. An account represents a company or organization that you do business with. | ![]() |
AccountAlert | Describes a configurable alert message, associated with an account, that appears on different account related pages. | |
AccountLocation | Takes on the UDFs that hold the site setup information for the Account represented by AccountId. | |
AccountNote | Describes any sort of note created by an Autotask user and associated with an Account entity, as opposed to a Ticket Note. | |
AccountPhysicalLocation | Describes an individual business unit that is associated with a company in Autotask. It can be a separate physical location, or a division or agency operating in the same physical location as the company. The company handles all billing for the business unit. | |
AccountTeam | Describes the resources associated with an Account Team. In Autotask, the account team associates resources an account. The resources then have access to the account data when their security level allows account access at the Mine level. | |
AccountToDo | Describes an Autotask To-Do, a scheduled item associated with an Account that appears on the user's Autotask calendar. It can be assigned to any resource and associated with an Contract, Ticket, or Opportunity. | |
AccountWebhook | Refer to <EntityName>Webhook (SOAP API). | |
AccountWebhookExcludedResource | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookExcludedResource (SOAP). | |
AccountWebhookField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API). | |
AccountWebhookUdfField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookUdfField (SOAP API). | |
ActionType | Describes an Action Type assigned to a CRM Note or To-Do. The Action Type specifies the type of activity scheduled by the to-do or associated with the note and the ActionType View controls where the Note or To-do appears in the user interface. | |
AdditionalInvoiceFieldValue | Describes the values for custom Additional Invoice Fields that users can add to Autotask for use with Autotask Invoice Templates. Autotask invoice templates define the appearance and content of an invoice generated in Autotask. | |
AllocationCode | Describes an Autotask Allocation Code. An allocation code represents one of six billing item categories: Work Types and Internal Allocation Codes (Admin > Company Setup), Material Cost Codes and Product Codes (Admin > Products & Services > Products), Milestone Codes (Admin > Contracts), and Recurring Contract Service Codes (Admin > Products and Services > Services). | |
Appointment | Describes an Autotask Appointment, that is, scheduled calendar time that is not a service call. | |
AttachmentInfo (SOAP API) | This entity describes an Attachment in Autotask. Attachments are external documents that are associated with an Autotask Account, Task, Ticket, Task or Ticket Note, Time Entry, Asset, Asset Note, Project, or Opportunity entity. | |
BillingItem | Describes a billable item in Autotask that has been approved and posted. A billing item may or may not be included in an invoice and billed to the customer. | |
BillingItemApprovalLevel | Describes a multi-level approval record for an Autotask time entry. It allows developers to use the API to implement multi-tier approval for Autotask time entries. Only available through the Web Services API. | |
BusinessDivision | When the Organizational Structure is enabled in Autotask, describes an organizational structure Branch. | |
BusinessDivisionSubdivision | When the Organizational Structure feature is enabled in Autotask, describes the association between an organizational structure Branch and Line of Business. | |
BusinessDivisionSubdivisionResource | When the Organizational Structure feature is enabled in Autotask, describes an Autotask Resource association with an organizational structure pairing of BusinessDivision and BusinessSubdivision (BusinessDivisionSubdivision entity). | |
BusinessLocation | Describes key business details for the Autotask Account 0, that is, the Autotask user's company account. The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. | |
BusinessSubdivision | When the Organizational Structure feature is enabled in Autotask, describes an organizational structure Line of Business. | |
ChangeOrderCost | Describes a cost associated with a Change Oder to an Autotask Project. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. Cost items can be billable or non-billable. Billable cost items appear in Approve and Post. | |
ChangeRequestLink | Describes the associations between Change Request tickets and both Incidents and Problems. Change request tickets are part of the Autotask change Management feature set. | |
ChecklistLibrary | Describes a modular component that can be added to any ticket or task. It outlines the steps that must be performed to complete the ticket or task, and tracks the resource and date/time each step was completed. | |
ChecklistLibraryChecklistItem | Describes list items added to a check list on an Autotask ticket or task. | |
ClassificationIcon | Describes visual identifiers used to categorize and search for Companies. | |
ClientPortalUser | Describes an Autotask Account Contact that has been assigned access to the Client Access Portal. | |
ComanagedAssociation | Describes the link between the accounts that are co-managed, and the resources with a co-managed security level who have access to them. | |
Contact | Describes an Autotask Contact. A Contact is an individual associated with an Account. | ![]() |
ContactBillingProductAssociation | Describes the mapping of the contact to the contract billing rule. | |
ContactGroup | Describes an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allows PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts. | |
ContactGroupContact | Describes a Contact associated with a ContactGroup. Contact Groups are an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allows PSA users to send bulk email, and create notes and/or to-dos, simultaneously for all included contacts. | |
ContactWebhook | Refer to <EntityName>Webhook (SOAP API). | |
ContactWebhookExcludedResource | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookExcludedResource (SOAP). | |
ContactWebhookField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API). | |
ContactWebhookUdfField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookUdfField (SOAP API). | |
Contract | Describes an Autotask Contract. Contracts specify a billing arrangement with an Account. Autotask currently provides five contract types: Time and Materials, Fixed Price, Block Hours, Retainer, and Recurring Service. | |
ContractBillingRule | Describes contract billing rules that generate charges that allow you to bill your customer by the end user or by the asset. | |
ContractBlock | Describes an Autotask Contract Block which represents a block of hours purchased for a Block Hour type Contract. | |
ContractCost | Describes a cost associated with an Autotask contract. | |
ContractExclusionAllocationCode | Describes a Work Type billing (or allocation) code that has been excluded from a Contract. | |
ContractExclusionRole | Describes a billing Role that has been excluded from a Contract. | |
ContractExclusionSet | Describes a reusable set of roles and work types that are excluded from the contract the set is applied to. | |
ContractExclusionSetExcludedRole | Describes a billing Role that is excluded from the contract the set is applied to. | |
ContractExclusionSetExcludedWorkType | Describes a billing Work Type (Allocation Code) that is excluded from the contract the set is applied to. | |
ContractFactor | Describes an Autotask Block Hour Factor, an option used with Block Hour type Contracts. It allows you to compensate for the Block Hour fixed rate by applying a multiplier to specific role rates. | |
ContractMilestone | Describes a billing milestone for an Autotask Fixed Price type Contract. Billing milestones define tangible work or measured progress that must be completed before billing can take place. | |
ContractNote | Describes a note associated with an Autotask Contract. Notes are used to track information, update the status of the associated contract, and communicate with resources and customers. | |
ContractRate | Describes an Autotask Contract Rate. A Contract Rate is associated with a Role and is specific to a contract. You use it to override your company's standard role rate for labor tracked against the contract. | |
ContractRetainer | Describes a payment amount applied to a Retainer type contract and sets the time period covered by the purchase. | |
ContractRoleCost | Describe an internal cost created for a resource-role combination for time entries on a specified contract. | |
ContractService | Describes an Autotask Service added to a Recurring Service contract. | |
ContractServiceAdjustment | Describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Contract Service entity that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. It can only be created; it CANNOT be queried or updated. Changes made to the Contract using the ContractServiceAdjustment entity affect only the quantity of units. | |
ContractServiceBundle | Describes an Autotask Service Bundle added to a Recurring Service contract. Autotask Service Bundles group multiple Services for purchase. | |
ContractServiceBundleAdjustment | Describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Service Bundle that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. It can only be created; it cannot be queried or updated. Changes made to the Contract using the ContractServiceBundleAdjustment entity affect only the quantity of Contract Service units. | |
ContractServiceBundleUnit | Describes the number of units of a specific service bundle that are associated with a Recurring Service contract for a specific date range. Used for billing purposes. | |
ContractServiceUnit | Describes the number of units of a specific service that are associated with a Recurring Service contract for a specific date range. Used for billing purposes. | |
ContractTicketPurchase | Describes a payment amount applied to the purchase of (or pre-payment for ) one or more Service Desk Tickets through a Per Ticket Contract. | |
Country | Describes a Country as defined in the Autotask CRM module. Country entity is referenced by other entities and specifies the display name, address format, 2 letter county code, and ISO standard name associated with the country. | |
Currency | Describes a currency available for use with the Autotask Multi-currency installed module. Available in the UI only when the installed module is enabled. Do not confuse with Currency local term selection which is not available when using Multi-currency | |
This entity contains the records for the Deleted Task Activity journal located in the Autotask application at |
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This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotask application at |
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This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket log located in the Autotask application at |
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Department | Describes an Autotask Department. A Department is an association used to manage resources, especially when assigning project tasks. | |
ExpenseItem | Describes a line item associated with an Expense Report entity. It allows expense line items to be created, queried, and updated through the API. | |
ExpenseReport | Describes Expense Reports created in Autotask and is used to submit expense line items for approval and reimbursement. | |
Holiday | Describes a day specified as a Holiday (usually counted as paid time off) and included in an Autotask Internal Location Holiday Set. | |
HolidaySet | Describes a grouped set of Holiday entities assigned to an Autotask Internal Location and used in tracking internal time off. | |
InstalledProduct | Describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items). Assets are Products that are associated with an Account entity. | ![]() |
InstalledProductBillingProductAssociation | Describes the mapping of the Asset (Configuration Item) to the contract billing rule. | |
InstalledProductCategory | Describes an asset category. | |
InstalledProductCategoryUdfAssociation | Describes the relationship between an asset category and a specific UDF. One of these entities exists for every UDF that is set as visible on each asset category. | |
InstalledProductNote | Describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Asset entity. Autotask users manage Asset notes on Assets. | |
InstalledProductType | Describes a Type, for example, printer, server, or workstation, assigned to a Asset in Autotask. | |
InstalledProductTypeUdfAssociation | Describes one or more user-defined fields associated with an InstalledProductType. An InstalledProductType is assigned to a Asset in Autotask. | |
InstalledProductWebhook | Refer to <EntityName>Webhook (SOAP API). |
InstalledProductWebhookExcludedResource |
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InstalledProductWebhookField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API). |
InstalledProductWebhookUdfField | Refer to <EntityName>WebhookUdfField (SOAP API). |
InternalLocation | Describes a Location defined in Company Setup in the Autotask Admin module. Every resource is associated with a location. The time zone and holiday set of the associated location are applied to the resource's time entries and schedules. | |
InventoryItem | Describes an Autotask Product that is associated with an Inventory Location in the Autotask Inventory module. | |
InventoryItemSerialNumber | Describes a serial number associated with an Inventory Item. It allows users to track and manage Inventory Items created from Autotask Products that require a unique serial number. | |
InventoryLocation | Describes an Autotask Inventory Location, that is, a physical or virtual place where your company stores or assigns inventory items. | |
InventoryTransfer | Describes a transaction where a specified quantity of one Inventory Item entity is transferred from the item’s currently assigned Inventory Location to another Inventory Location. It does not describe transactions where an Inventory Item is associated with an Account as an Asset, | |
Invoice | Describes an Autotask Invoice. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. | |
InvoiceTemplate | Describes a template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Invoice. | |
NotificationHistory | Describes an Autotask Notification, as listed in the Notification History page. | |
Opportunity | Describes an Autotask Opportunity. An opportunity is a forecasted piece of business, that is, an identifiable prospect that needs a product or service and offers a potential sale, project, or contract. This entity allows you to track the progress of the opportunity and generate sales forecasts. | |
PaymentTerm | Describes an Autotask Payment Term. A payment term specifies conditions and requirements for payment due on an Autotask invoice; for example, Net 30 days. | |
Phase | Describes an Autotask project Phase. Phases allow users to break projects into sub-groups of project tasks. | |
PriceListMaterialCode | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether an Allocation Code of type Material Code on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListProduct | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListProductTier | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency for a Product Tier, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListRole | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether a Role Hourly Rate on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListService | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether a Service on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListServiceBundle | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes whether a ServiceBundle on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. | |
PriceListWorkTypeModifier | This entity is only used in Multi-currency databases. It describes Price List information associated with a WorkTypeModifier entity. A WorkTypeModifier entity modifies a given Work Type AllocationCode. | |
Product | This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. | |
This entity describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Product entity. |
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ProductTier | This entity describes the pricing and costing tiers for a specific billing product on the Product table. It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. | |
ProductVendor | Describes a Vendor type Account that is associated with an Autotask Product. | |
Project | Describes an Autotask Project. A project defines and organizes a group of related tasks, events, and documents. | |
ProjectCost | Describes a cost associated with an Autotask Project. | |
ProjectNote | Describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Project entity. | |
PurchaseApproval | Describes the approval status of a project, ticket, or contract purchase cost created in Autotask. The purchase approval option available through Autotask procurement. | |
PurchaseOrder | Describes an Autotask Inventory module Purchase Order. | |
PurchaseOrderItem | Associates a Product entity with a PurchaseOrder entity. | |
PurchaseOrderReceive | Describes a transaction where a specified quantity of a Purchase Order Item is "received", that is, debited from the Quantity value of the associated Purchase Order Item and added to the Quantity On Hand value of the Inventory Item. | |
Quote | Describes a Quote in Autotask. Must be associated with an Autotask Opportunity entity and allows users to specify and track multiple products, services, labor items, etc., that further define the Opportunity. | |
QuoteItem | Describes an Autotask Quote Item. Quote Items define a line item added to an Autotask Quote. | |
QuoteLocation | Describes a location associated with an Autotask Quote that defines address information for a ShipToLocationID and/or BillToLocationID. | |
QuoteTemplate | Describes an Autotask Quote Template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Quote. | |
Resource | Describes an Autotask Resource. Autotask Resources are employees, contractors, or consultants with access to a company's Autotask system. | |
ResourceRole | Describes a Resource - Role relationship. | |
ResourceRoleDepartment | Describes a Resource - Role - Department relationship. A resource must be assigned to at least one role. Resources are assigned to one or more roles through their department and queue associations. This entity describes the Resource Role and Department association | |
ResourceRoleQueue | Describes a Resource - Role - Queue relationship. A resource must be assigned to at least one role. Resources are assigned to one or more roles through their department and queue associations. This entity describes the Resource and Role through the Queue association. | |
ResourceServiceDeskRole | Describes the Resource - Service Desk Role association and takes some functionality from the ResourceRoleQueue entity, since Resource - Queue associations no longer require a Role association. | |
ResourceSkill | Associates a Skill with a Resource to provide information about the skills or abilities of the resource. | |
Role | Describes an Autotask Role. Roles are associated with a department, have a standard billing rate, and are assigned to resources for billing purposes. | |
SalesOrder | In Autotask, a sales order is associated with an Opportunity. It provides a method to track cost items generated from an Autotask Quote. | |
Service | Describes a deliverable item that represents a pre-defined unit of work performed for a set price and billed at regular intervals, for example, a "Disk Backup" performed for one computer. | |
ServiceBundle | Describes a group of Service entity items that are priced and billed as one component of Recurring Service type contract. | |
ServiceBundleService | Describes a Service entity assigned to a ServiceBundle entity. | |
ServiceCall | Describes an Autotask service call and its relationship to four other service call related entities. Service calls are instances of time, with specified start and stop times, that are scheduled to perform work for an Account. | |
ServiceCallTask | Describes an Autotask project task assigned to a service call. | |
ServiceCallTaskResource | Describes an Autotask resource assigned to a task that is assigned to a service call. | |
ServiceCallTicket | Describes an Autotask ticket assigned to a service call. | |
ServiceCallTicketResource | Describes an Autotask resource assigned to a ticket that is assigned to a service call. | |
ServiceLevelAgreementResults | Describes time and completion data related to service level events tracked for a service level agreement associated with a ticket. All fields are read only. | |
ShippingType | Describes an Autotask Shipping Type. A shipping type defines a carrier for a product shipment. It can be associated with a Quote entity. | |
Skill | Describes a skill or ability that can be associated with a Resource via the ResourceSkill entity. | |
Subscription | Describes an Autotask Subscription. A Subscriptions creates recurring billing items for Assets, when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. | |
SubscriptionPeriod | Describes an Autotask SubscriptionPeriod. A SubscriptionPeriod stores the information for an individual billing period item associated with an Autotask Subscription. | |
Survey | Describes general information for a survey generated by Autotask. | |
SurveyResults | Describes results and information for a survey generated by Autotask. | |
This entity represents ticket and article tags in Autotask. |
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This entity represents aliases for ticket and article tags in Autotask. |
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This entity represents ticket tag groups in Autotask. |
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Task | Describes an Autotask Task. Tasks are associated with a Project and define work that must be done. | |
TaskNote | Describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Task entity. | |
TaskPredecessor | Describes a predecessor/successor arrangement between two project schedule items. | |
TaskSecondaryResource | Describes a resource assigned to a task but not as the primary resource. | |
Tax | Describes the tax rate charged to a customer for specific goods or services purchased in a specified tax region. | |
TaxCategory | Describes the tax rate for a specific billing item. Used to determine a customer's total taxes on billing items. | |
TaxRegion | Describes a geographic area where billing items have the same tax rate. Used to determine a customer's total taxes on billing items. | |
Ticket | Describes an Autotask Ticket. Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. | |
TicketAdditionalContact | Describes one or more account contacts assigned to a Ticket, other than the Ticket Contact (Ticket.ContactID). | |
TicketAdditionalInstalledProduct | Describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items), other than the Asset (Ticket.InstalledProductID). Assets are Products that are associated with an Account entity. | |
TicketCategory | Describes a ticket category, applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. | |
TicketCategoryFieldDefaults | Describes the default settings for fields associated with the specified ticket category. | |
TicketChangeRequestApproval | Describes a record of approval for a ticket change request. The change request approval process is part of the Autotask Change Management feature set. | |
TicketChecklistItem | Describes list items added to a check list on an Autotask ticket. Checklists are an optional feature on the ticket page that display numbered items to be completed in order to complete work on a ticket. | |
TicketChecklistLibrary | This entity allows all items in a checklist library to be added to a ticket. If a ticket already has checklist items, the checklist library is appended to the end of the list of checklist items. | |
TicketCost | Describes a cost associated with an Autotask Ticket. | |
TicketHistory | Describes the Ticket History, which tracks changes to the fields of the ticket entity, as well as the fields of any Service Level Agreement associated with the ticket. | |
TicketNote | Describes a note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Ticket entity. | |
TicketRmaCredit | This entity describes the refund/credit charge that is created when the RMA is set as Authorized on a ticket with the RMA ticket category. | |
TicketSecondaryResource | Describes a resource assigned to a ticket but not as the primary resource. | |
TicketTagAssociation | This entity manages the tags associated with tickets in Autotask. |
TimeEntry | Describes an Autotask Time Entry. A time entry allows an Autotask resource to enter ticket and task time (Labor) and general or regular time (non-customer facing time). | |
UserDefinedFieldDefinition | This entity defines a user-defined field (UDF) in Autotask. User-defined fields are custom fields that each Autotask customer can add to their Account, Contact, Opportunity, Sales Order, Projects, Products, Assets, Ticket, and Task tables. | |
UserDefinedFieldListItem | Describes a list item associated with a UserDefinedFieldDefinition entity that has DataType = List | |
WebhookEventErrorLogs | Describes the Webhook error log where errors are kept for 30 days. An error is logged when the maximum number of retries (5) have been made for an event, but the payload could not be delivered. | |
WorkTypeModifier | Describes a modifier for a given Work Type AllocationCode. |