REST API revision history
This article contains the revision history for the Autotask REST API. The latest updates appear first.
NOTE The REST API uses a two-decimal numbering system to indicate its most current version. The second place number increases by 1 when a significant update occurs that will likely impact existing integrations.
Current release
Previous releases

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Fields added |
catalogNumberPartNumber externalID internalID manufacturerServiceProvider manufacturerServiceProviderProductNumber sku url |
Fields added |
catalogNumberPartNumber externalID internalID manufacturerServiceProvider manufacturerServiceProviderProductNumber sku url |
Bug Fix |
We fixed an issue where the paidDate field could not be updated. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Fields added |
ImpersonatorApproveRejectResourceID lastApprovedLevel |
New Entity |
This entity entity identifies time off approvers for a resource and their approval level. |
TimeOffRequestsApprove |
New Entity |
This entity describes the approval action of a specific time off request (vacation, sick time, floating holiday, personal time) submitted by an Autotask resource. |
TimeOffRequestsReject |
New Entity |
This entity describes the rejection action of a specific time off request (vacation, sick time, floating holiday, personal time) submitted by an Autotask resource. |
TicketAttachments |
Bug Fix |
We fixed an issue where you were unable to download ticket attachments if an incorrect file size was stored in the database. |
UserDefinedFieldDefinitions |
Bug Fix |
We fixed an error where you couldn't update an email domain with a name that included an underscore, even though this was possible in the UI. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
ContractServiceBundles |
Behavior Change |
On Query(), if the contract service or bundle is configured to Use Standard Invoice Description in the UI, we will return the service/bundle’s invoice description from Admin. Otherwise we will return the custom invoice description value. On Create() or Update(), if
ContractServices |
Behavior Change |
New Entity |
This entity describes time off the resource has been granted for the current and next year in addition to their assigned Time Off Policy. |
New Entity |
This entity describes the remaining time off a resource has accrued or has been allotted, according to their assigned Time Off Policy. You will be able to query the entity by resourceId or a combination of resourceId and year. |
Autotask REST API |
Bug Fix |
We fixed an issue where, when creating a charge associated to an inventory item via the REST API, you automatically received the Items Requested have been APPROVED email message despite the item not being approved. |
Bug Fix |
We fixed an issue where you could not modify a ContractBlock in the API, even though you could in the UI. HourlyRate cannot be changed via the API when the block has been billed, but the other editable fields can be updated. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
With the release of Autotask 2023.1, requests to the API now have a thread limit of three per object endpoint and tracking identifier. For more information, refer to API thread limiting. |
Companies | Field length change |
The length of the below entity fields has been increased to the following values:
ResourceDailyAvailabilities | Entity added |
This entity represents the daily availability, hours goal and travel for a resource. It mirrors the fields found on the HR tab of the Resource Management section in the Autotask UI. |

This Autotask release introduced no API changes.

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
ArticleAttachments | Field added | parentAttachmentID |
Autotask API | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that caused the last page in a pagination sequence to always be empty when the value of MaxRecords was below the total amount of records returned by the query. |
Autotask API | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that caused the queryCount response to be incorrect for any non-zero value of MaxRecords when the tag was included in the query body. Now, the API will ignore any MaxRecords or IncludeFields values in the query body. |
Autotask API | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that could prevent the ServiceCalls entity's fields from accurately reflecting their current status. |
Autotask API |
Bug fix |
Previously, due to an inconsistency with the response model generated by Swagger, tools such as Visual Studio and NSwagStudio returned "System.InvalidOperationException" errors when sending Delete requests to Attachment entities. This issue is now resolved. |
BillingItems | Field added | contractBlockID |
Companies | Behavior change |
companyType cannot be changed from vendor if the account is associated with any existing services. |
ConfigurationItems | Bug fix | This release resolves a bug that caused the entity to incorrectly report that it did not support webhooks. |
ContractBlockHourFactors | Fields added |
contractHourlyRate, internalCurrencyContractHourlyRate |
ContractBlockHourFactors | Bug fix |
When a purchase order has been received in full, you can still use the purchaseOrderItemReceive call to receive more items than originally ordered. This enhancement creates parity with the functionality of the Autotask UI. |
ContractCharges | Behavior change |
To create parity with the behavior of the Autotask UI, the API will now round the unitQuantity, unitCost, and unitPrice values for this entity to 4 decimal places prior to any calculations for the total price or extended cost. |
DocumentAttachments | Field added | parentAttachmentID |
Invoices | Endpoint added | With the addition of the InvoicePDF endpoint, you can now export invoices as PDF files. |
Opportunities | Behavior change | This release sunsets the Opportunities entity's VARStreet integration support. |
OpportunityAttachments | Field added | parentAttachmentID |
OpportunityCategories | Entity added | This entity enables your authorized third-party apps or modules to query the categories that can be associated with an opportunity in Autotask. |
Products | Fields added |
createdByResourceID, createdTime |
Products | Bug fix |
Previously, it was possible to change the serialized value for products associated with existing inventory. Doing so could lead to crashes and the creation of bad data. Now, the API will return an error if it receives a request to change this value when there is existing inventory. |
ProjectCharges | Behavior change |
To create parity with the behavior of the Autotask UI, the API will now round the unitQuantity, unitCost, and unitPrice values for this entity to 4 decimal places prior to any calculations for the total price or extended cost. |
PurchaseOrderItemReceiving | Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue that could cause Autotask to write bad data or crash after receiving non-serialized products on a purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderItemReceiving | Improvement |
When a purchase order has been received in full, you can still use the purchaseOrderItemReceive entity to receive more items than originally ordered. This enhancement creates parity with the functionality of the Autotask UI. |
QuoteItem | Bug fix | This release resolves a bug that could prevent the QuoteItem entity's fields from being updated after a service on a quote was renamed. |
Quotes | Behavior change | This release sunsets the Quotes entity's VARStreet integration support. |
ServiceCalls | Behavior change | Service calls cannot be created with, or updated to use, an inactive status. |
Services | Behavior change | The periodType field is now read-only. |
Services | Behavior change | The entity will only validate that the vendor ID maps to a vendor account when it has been changed. Services currently mapped to non-vendor accounts will be able to make updates, but once the vendor ID is updated to a different value, you cannot assign it back to a non-vendor account type. |
TicketCharges | Behavior change |
To create parity with the behavior of the Autotask UI, the API will now round the unitQuantity, unitCost, and unitPrice values for this entity to 4 decimal places prior to any calculations for the total price or extended cost. |
TicketNotes | Bug fix | This release resolves a bug that caused the entity to incorrectly report that it did not support webhooks. |
Tickets | Behavior change | If a ticket is created or updated with a sub-issue type that is excluded from the associated contract, the ticket's contractID will be updated to that of the exclusion contract, if it exists. If it does not exist, the contractID will be set to null. |
Tickets | Bug fix | This release resolves a bug that caused the entity to incorrectly report that it did not support webhooks. |
TimeEntries | Bug fix |
We have resolved an issue that could cause the API to remove time entries upon receipt of an update request containing a value other than 00:00:0. Now, the entity will now set the value of the dateWorked field to midnight upon receiving an update request. |
TimeEntries | Behavior change |
If a time entry is created or updated with a contractID and the ticket's sub-issue type is excluded on the contract, then the time entry's contractID will be updated to that of the exclusion contract, if it exists. If it does not exist, the contractID will be set to null. |
TimeEntries | Bug fix | If the user has access to edit time entries from the Approve & Post page based on their security settings, the entity will respect those privileges and allow corresponding edits via the API. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Autotask REST API | Behavior change | Limits on simultaneous API execution threads and multi-thread latency now apply to the Autotask REST API. For important details about how this changes impacts integration development, review our API thread limiting article. |
Autotask REST API | Bug fix | In certain situations, when receiving PATCH, PUT, and DELETE calls for child entities, the API would not validate the Parent Company ID received from the submitted URL string. Now, the API will correctly return an error message if it detects an invalid Parent Company ID. |
Autotask REST API | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could cause API thread limiting to incorrectly apply to ZoneInformation requests. |
Autotask REST API | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that caused GetWsdlVersion and IntegraionCodeCheck calls for existing integrations to incorrectly be limited to one thread. These calls will now correctly be limited to 100 threads. New integrations remain limited to one thread. |
Companies | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that could cause erroneous validation errors when sending Create & Update requests to Text (Email) user-defined field types. |
ConfigurationItemRelatedItems | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could cause the REST API to incorrectly create only one association when updating the relatedConfigurationItemID field, resulting in the related item only appearing on the configuration item associated with the configurationItemID value in the ConfigurationItemRelatedItems Create call. |
ConfigurationItems | Behavior change |
productID field: If the configuration item was sourced from an InventoryStockedItems entity, its product ID will be tied to the product ID of the inventory Item and cannot be changed via the API |
ConfigurationItems | Behavior change |
serialNumber field: If the configuration item was sourced from an InventoryStockedItems entity, the serial number will come from the inventoryStockedItem. If the serial number is updated via the API, the serial number for the related inventoryStockedItem will also be updated. |
ContractServices | Bug fix |
We have resolved an issue that caused the ContractServices entity to use the Number Format of the API resource when setting the adjusted price instead of assuming a decimal point for the decimal separator. |
InventoryItemSerialNumbers | Field modified |
The inventoryItemID field datatype has changed from long to integer. |
InventoryProducts | Entity added |
An inventory product represents a set of stocked items that share a product and a location. When an inventory product is manually created, stocked items are also created. The InventoryProducts entity is the container where you define inventory location, minimum and maximum stocking levels, and can see the summary of the product (Available, Reserved, etc.). |
InventoryStockedItems | Entity added |
This entity describes detailed information about on-hand InventoryProducts at a location. |
InventoryStockedItemsAdd | Entity added |
This entity enables you to increase inventory counts associated with the InventoryProducts entity. |
InventoryStockedItemsRemove | Entity added |
This entity enables you to decrease inventory counts associated with the InventoryProducts entity. |
InventoryStockedItemsTransfer | Entity added |
This entity describes a transaction where a specified quantity of an InventoryProducts or an InventoryStockedItems entity is transferred from the item’s current InventoryLocation to a different InventoryLocation. |
PurchaseOrderItemReceiving | Field added | vendorInvoiceNumber |
PurchaseOrders | Field added | additionalVendorInvoiceNumbers |
PurchaseOrders | Behavior change |
Swagger UI | Bug fix | We resolved an issue that could cause the Swagger UI to incorrectly show UDF support for the Services entity. |
TaskSecondaryResources | Behavior change | Tasks are now limited to a maximum of 50 secondary resources each. |
TicketChangeRequestApprovals | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that could prevent entity changes from being tracked in the ticket history and prevented workflow rules for those changes from firing. |
TicketNotes | Behavior change | This entity now supports webhooks. |
Tickets | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that emptied the externalID field of the Tickets entity during Create actions. |
Tickets | Behavior change | This entity now supports webhooks. |
TicketSecondaryResources | Behavior change | Tickets are now limited to a maximum of 50 secondary resources each. |
TimeEntries | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could cause TimeEntry Create calls to fail when the DateWorked variable was equal to the timesheet end. |

IMPORTANT Key attributes of the CompanyAlerts entity have changed with the release of Autotask 2021.3. These changes may require updates to your existing integrations. To avoid service disruption, we recommend that you review your applications for compatibility with the updates described in the 2021.3 REST API revision history revision history.
Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Contracts | Behavior change | This entity will be read-only if the contract type is Block Hour, Fixed Price, Per Ticket, or Retainer, and the corresponding contract module is not active. For more information, refer to Activations. |
Contracts | Bug fix |
When attempting to delete a UDF from the Contract History page by passing "" in place of a null value, the API would return the error message, "Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row," while still removing the UDF value. We have updated the tracking history logic for all UDF data types and certain base fields on this entity to resolve the issue. |
Currencies | Behavior change | To support SaaS and BCDR billing integrations, the REST API's Currencies entity now permits Query requests even if Multi-Currency is not enabled. The behavior of the SOAP API's Currency entity remains unchanged. |
Opportunities | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that prevented the Opportunities entity from making updates to the promisedFulfillmentDate field if it was non-null during PATCH requests. |
OrganizationalLevel1 | Behavior change | This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. For more information, refer to Activations. |
ProjectNotes | Bug fix | When creating a note with contact impersonation via the API, the parent entity's lastActivityByResourceID field was incorrectly inheriting the API user's ID instead of the note's createdByContactID value (the ID of the contact being impersonated). With this release, the API will use the correct createdByContactID value. |
Subscriptions | Behavior change | This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. However, the API will not disallow the creation or modification of subscription UDFs. For more information, refer to Activations. |
TaskNotes | Bug fix | When creating a note with contact impersonation via the API, the parent entity's lastActivityByResourceID field was incorrectly inheriting the API user's ID instead of the note's createdByContactID value (the ID of the contact being impersonated). With this release, the API will use the correct createdByContactID value. |
Tasks | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that permitted the use of phaseID values that were not associated with the corresponding projectID when creating tasks. |
Tasks | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that caused the Tasks entity to return a "Can not convert data" error message when receiving null values for the canClientPortalUserCompleteTask, createDateTime, creatorResourceID, isVisibleInClientPortal, lastActivityDateTime, lastActivityResourceID and isTaskBillable fields. |
TicketNotes | Bug fix | When creating a note with contact impersonation via the API, the parent entity's lastActivityByResourceID field was incorrectly inheriting the API user's ID instead of the note's createdByContactID value (the ID of the contact being impersonated). With this release, the API will use the correct createdByContactID value. |
Tickets | Behavior change | This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. If the RMA module is inactive, the API will disallow setting the Ticket Category to RMA. For more information, refer to Activations. |
Tickets | Behavior change | Tickets created via the API were not inheriting the expected Service Level Agreement (SLA) from the asset assigned to the ticket. To address this issue, this entity will now use the updated SLA logic defined in the serviceLevelAgreementID section of the Tickets article. |
TimeEntries | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that could cause the entity to record the createDateTime as taking place after the lastModifiedDateTime. Now, the lastModifiedDateTime value will always be equal to or after createDateTime. |
CompanyAlerts | Behavior change |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
<EntityName>Webhooks (REST API) | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that could cause entity creation requests to fail if the API received a name field with more than 50 characters. |
ClientPortalUsers |
Bug fix |
The ClientPortalUsers entity will no longer allow assignment of Taskfire securityLevel values to contacts that do not have Taskfire access. |
ComanagedAssociations | Field added | isPrimaryCoManagedResource |
Companies | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that caused queries using your system's default invoice template ID to exclude companies that used the customer default template instead of the system default. |
ConfigurationItems | Bug fix | Changes made to the RMM and BCDR fields of assets will now reflect correctly on the Asset History page in the Autotask GUI. |
ContactBillingProductAssociations, ConfigurationItemBillingProductAssociations, Opportunities, Phases, ProjectCharges, ProjectNotes, Projects, TaskNotes, Tasks, TaskPredecessors, TaskSecondaryResources |
Behavior change |
If Autotask receives a create, update, or delete request for this entity and its corresponding module is unavailable, the API will return the error message, "The logged in Resource does not have the adequate permissions to update this entity type." |
Contacts | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could prevent the Contacts entity from populating the zipCode field during certain update requests. |
ContractNotes | Bug fix | Plain text updates to the entity's description field received via the API will now clear existing Rich Text and embedded images correctly. |
DocumentChecklistLibraries | Bug fix | The DocumentChecklistLibraries and TicketChecklistLibraries entities will now respect the sort order of checklist items when adding them to a ticket via the API. |
ExpenseItems | Behavior change | To create, update, delete, and query the ExpenseItems entity, the API user must have the corresponding object-level system security permissions for Expenses. |
ExpenseItems | Field added | expenseItemID |
ExpenseReports | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that caused the submitDate field to default to "1/1/1900" instead of "null" during create. |
Invoices | Behavior change | This entity can now surface detailed invoice information through queries to the InvoiceMarkupXml and InvoiceMarkupHtml endpoints. |
Fields added | Opportunities, Outsource Management, Projects, User Based Billing | |
NotificationHistory | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that prevented the notificationHistoryTypeID field from displaying picklist values. |
NotificationHistory | Fields modified | The entityTitle and entityNumber fields are no longer flagged as picklists. |
Opportunities | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that caused the projectedCloseDate, closedDate, and throughDate fields to store user-supplied time values. Now, the API will automatically set the time to midnight for these fields. |
ProjectCharges | Behavior change | The unitPrice field will not be queryable if the API user does not have the Can view sensitive Charge data system security setting. |
ProjectNotes | Bug fix | Plain text updates to the entity's description field received via the API will now clear existing Rich Text and embedded images correctly. |
QuoteItems | Behavior change | The sortOrderID field is now nullable. |
Quotes | Fields added | lastPublishedByResourceID, lastPublishedDateTime |
ServiceCalls | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could cause delete calls to the entity to fail with the error message, "Error deleting records in database." |
TaskAttachments | Behavior changed | The publish field now includes Internal and Co-Managed picklist values. |
TaskNotes | Behavior changed | The publish field now includes Internal and Co-Managed picklist values. |
Ticket | Fields added | isAssignedToComanaged, isVisibleToComanaged |
TicketAttachments | Behavior changed | The publish field now includes Internal and Co-Managed picklist values. |
TicketCharges | Behavior changed | The unitPrice field will not be queryable if the API user does not have the Can view sensitive Charge data system security setting. |
TicketChecklistLibraries | Bug fix | The DocumentChecklistLibraries and TicketChecklistLibraries entities will now respect the sort order of checklist items when adding them to a ticket via the API. |
TicketNotes | Behavior changed | The publish field now includes Internal and Co-Managed picklist values. |
TicketNotes | Bug fix | Plain text updates to the entity's description field received via the API will now clear existing Rich Text and embedded images correctly. |
TimeEntries | Behavior changed | Previously, queries to the taskID and ticketID fields could return results for both tasks and tickets. Now, the taskID field will only return results for tasks and the ticketID field will only return results for tickets. |
TimeEntries | Behavior changed | The entity will now respect the Can view non-billable time entries system security setting. If the API user does not have this permission, the entity will not return records in situations when the isNonBillable field contains a value of true. |
TimeEntries | Field added | isInternalNotesVisibleToComanaged |
TimeOffRequests | Entity added | Autotask includes a time off policy management feature that enables your company to track employee time off benefits. This entity represents time off requests submitted by Autotask users. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
API Activity by Hour report | Bug fix | The Autotask 2021.1 release resolves an issue that could cause internal API calls, which do not count against usage thresholds, to appear in the API Activity by Hour report. |
ArticleAttachments | Entity added | This entity contains attachments for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
ArticleConfigurationItemCategoryAssociations | Entity added |
This entity contains existing associations between Knowledgebase articles and assets. |
ArticleNotes | Entity added |
This entity contains notes for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
ArticlePlainTextContent | Entity added |
This entity contains the plain text version of body content held by a Knowledgebase article. |
ArticleTagAssociations | Entity added |
This entity records existing associations between tags and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
ArticleTicketAssociations | Entity added |
This entity records existing associations between tickets and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
ArticleToArticleAssociations | Entity added |
This entity represents associations between Knowledgebase articles within Autotask. |
ArticleToDocumentAssociations | Entity added |
This entity represents articles associated with Knowledgebase documents in Autotask. |
Attachment entities |
Field and behavior changes |
We have made several changes to the behavior and fields of SOAP and REST API entities. Future changes will be introduced in maintenance releases. Refer Changes to Attachment entities for more information. |
AttachmentNestedAttachments |
Entity removed |
Improvements to the behavior of the AttachmentInfo (REST API) entity have rendered the AttachmentNestedAttachments endpoint unnecessary. This release removes it. |
Autotask REST API | Behavior change | {Entity}Attachments/{id} endpoints will now return encoded file attachment data. |
Autotask REST API | Behavior change | To create parity with the SOAP API, the REST API's maxRequestLength for attachments is now 10500 KB. This change enables the REST API to accept attachments of up to 7 MB in size. |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
To improve application performance when paginating very large query returns, the API will only retain history for the 50 most recently viewed pages. For more information, refer to Advanced query features of the REST API > Pagination limits. |
Fields added |
contractServiceID, contractServiceBundleID, contractServiceAdjustmentID, contractServiceBundleAdjustmentID, contractServiceBundlePeriodID, contractServicePeriodID |
Companies | Field added | companyCategoryID |
CompanyCategories | Entity added | This entity represents company (account) categories in Autotask. A company's category determines the layout of the entity's pages, which fields are visible, and which picklist options are available. |
ConfigurationItemRelatedItems | Entity added | This entity enables you to view, add, and remove related child or parent Assets in Autotask. |
ConfigurationItems | Behavior change | The API will always return the most recent version of an asset. Updates to an asset via the API will create a new version from the perspective of the Autotask GUI. Neither version history nor rollback functionality are available via the API. |
ConfigurationItems | Bug fix | Autotask 2021.1 resolves an issue in which the API could fail to detect user-defined list fields (UDFs) named "active" despite the fields being present and enabled. |
ContractNotes | Field modified | The contractID field datatype has changed from string to integer. |
Documents | Behavior changed |
To create or update children of this entity, your API user must have Approve permissions for Documents. |
DocumentToArticleAssociations | Entity added |
This entity represents documents associated with Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
InvoiceTemplates | Field modified | The paymentTerms field is no longer required. |
KnowledgeBaseArticles | Entity added |
This entity represents articles created by Knowledgebase users in Autotask. |
KnowledgeBaseCategories | Entity added |
This entity contains the categories that hold Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. |
Modules | Entity added | This entity surfaces the availability and active status of modules (such as the Procurement module and the Inventory module) in Autotask. To learn more, refer to Modules |
OpportunityAttachments | Field added | id |
Phases | Bug fix | This release resolves an issue that could cause the entity to return a "StartDate and EndDate is an invalid combination. StartDate must be before DueDate" error even with no dueDate value supplied. |
Products | Bug fix | We have resolved an issue that allowed update requests for the read-only ProductID field of Products entity child URLs. |
ProjectAttachments | Field added | id |
Behavior changed | With the release of Autotask 2021.1, it is now possible to add Rich Text to the Description and Note fields of these entities. Upon query, the API will return the text-only version of their content. If you send the content back, the Rich Text and all images that it contains will be lost. You cannot use the API to create items that contain Rich Text, but you can add Rich Text later via a supported method. To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor. | |
TaskAttachments | Field added | id |
TicketAttachments | Field added | id |
TicketChecklistItems | Field modified | The itemName field length has changed from 255 to 600. |
TimeEntries | Behavior change | The TimeEntries entity will now respect any After Hours work type conditions enforced in the Autotask GUI. |
Version | Entity added | This entity surfaces the Autotask version number. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
<EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API) | Behavior change | To ensure consistency for integration programming, the SOAP AccountWebhookField and ContactWebhookField webhook entities now use REST API field names instead of SOAP API labels. For further details, refer to <EntityName>WebhookField (SOAP API). |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
You can now view API activity and threshold information by using the API Activity by Hour report in Autotask. |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
This release enhances the API's handling of users who do not have access to view cost data in the UI. The averageCost, cost, extendedCost, highestCost, internalCurrencyUnitCost, ourCost, and vendorCost entity fields will return no data for queries with insufficient privileges. If an update request does not have the necessary permissions, the API will ignore the call's values for these fields even if they are blank or would be otherwise required. |
Field added |
purchaseOrderTemplateID |
Bug fix |
The actionType field is now required on entity creation. |
CompanyWebhooks | Bug fix | Webhook payload messages for this entity will now return only "True" or "False" for boolean fields. Refer to <EntityName>WebhookFields (REST API). |
ConfigurationItemDnsRecords | Entity added |
This entity describes DNS records associated with the ConfigurationItems entity in Autotask. |
ConfigurationItems | Fields added | domain, domainRegistrarID, domainRegistrationDateTime, sslCommonName, sslIssuedBy, sslLocation, sslOrganization, sslOrganizationUnit, sslSerialNumber, sslSignatureAlgorithm, sslSource, sslValidFromDateTime, sslValidUntilDateTime |
ConfigurationItems | Behavior changed | The ConfigurationItems entity will now perform domain name structure verification when receiving a value for the domain field. |
ConfigurationItems | Behavior changed | The installedByID and installedByContactID entity fields now support webhooks. |
ConfigurationItemSslSubjectAlternativeName | Entity added |
This entity contains SSL Subject Alternative Name (SAN) records associated with the ConfigurationItemsentity in Autotask. |
ConfigurationItemWebhookExcludedResources | Entity added | |
ConfigurationItemWebhookFields | Entity added |
Refer to <EntityName>WebhookFields (REST API). |
ConfigurationItemWebhooks | Entity added |
Refer to <EntityName>Webhooks (REST API). |
ConfigurationItemWebhookUdfFields | Entity added |
Refer to <EntityName>WebhookUdfFields (REST API). |
ContactWebhooks | Bug fix | Webhook payload messages for this entity will now return only "True" or "False" values for boolean fields. Refer to <EntityName>Webhooks (REST API). |
ContractBlocks | Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue which could allow non-date information to be stored in the entity's startDate and endDate fields. |
Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue which could allow non-date information to be stored in the entity's startDate and endDate fields. |
Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue which could allow non-date information to be stored in the entity's startDate and endDate fields. |
Countries | Field added | purchaseOrderTemplateID |
DocumentToArticleAssociations | Entity renamed | This entity was previously named DocumentArticleAssociation. It represents article associations for Knowledgebase documents in Autotask. |
Entity added |
This entity contains attachments for documents in Autotask. |
DocumentCategories | Entity added |
This entity represents the categories for documents in Autotask. |
DocumentChecklistItems | Entity added |
This entity contains checklist items related to documents in Autotask. |
DocumentChecklistLibraries | Entity added |
This entity represents checklist libraries related to documents in Autotask. |
Entity added |
This entity represents associations between assets and documents in Autotask. |
Entity added |
This entity represents associations between asset categories and documents in Autotask. |
DocumentNotes | Entity added |
This entity contains notes for documents in Autotask. |
Documents | Entity added |
This entity represents a document in Autotask. |
Entity added |
This entity contains tag associations for documents in Autotask. |
Entity added |
This entity contains ticket associations for documents in Autotask. |
DomainRegistrars | Entity added | The DomainRegistrars entity contains WHOIS details for Domain assets. |
Opportunities | Field type change | The salesProcessPercentComplete data type has changed from "integer" to "double." |
PurchaseOrders | Behavior change | Purchase orders may now have a maximum of 300 items. The PurchaseOrders entity will enforce this limit. |
PurchaseOrders | Fields added | purchaseOrderNumber, purchaseOrderTemplateID |
TagAliases | Entity added |
This entity represents aliases for ticket and article tags in Autotask. |
TagGroups | Entity added | This entity represents ticket tag groups in Autotask. |
Tags | Entity added |
This entity represents ticket and article tags in Autotask. |
TaskNotes | Behavior changed | The title field is now only required if the "Require titles on task notes" Task Category setting is enforced. |
TicketNotes | Behavior changed | The title field is now only required if the "Require titles on ticket notes" Ticket Category setting is enforced. |
TicketTagAssociations | Entity added |
This entity manages the tags associated with tickets in Autotask. |
TimeEntries | Behavior change | The dateWorked field is no longer required. |
UserDefinedFieldListItems | Field added | isActive |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Behavior change |
The attachedByContactID field is no longer required nor read-only. |
Field added |
creatorType |
AttachmentNestedAttachments |
Entity added |
The AttachmentNestedAttachments entity describes a nested attachment in Autotask. A nested attachment is any external document that is attached to a Company, Task, Ticket, Task or Ticket Note, Time Entry, Asset, Asset Note, Project, or Opportunity entity. Attachments in Autotask can be documents uploaded to the server, file links, folder links, and URLs. |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
The REST API now includes error handling logic for calls to unsupported user-defined fields (UDFs). To learn more about supported UDFs, refer to REST API: User-defined fields (UDFs). |
Autotask REST API |
Behavior change |
This release introduces error handling for calls containing more than 500 OR conditions. The API will return an error state for calls that exceed this threshold. To learn more, refer to Call conditions limit |
Autotask REST API |
Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue that caused some JSON responses in Swagger UI to be missing their item or items fields. |
Autotask SOAP API |
Behavior change |
If an API user account without the Contacts impersonation option enabled attempts to specify a custom value for the attachedByContactID or the createdByContactID field, any entities or attachments that the account creates will be attributed to "API User." Refer to SOAP API lifecycle FAQ to learn about additional changes in SOAP that may inform your API development strategy. |
Autotask REST API | Bug fix | Editing an existing API user could cause the wrong date format to populate in the editor and change the user’s preference on save. Autotask will now preserve the user’s selected date format during edits of an API user. |
Field name changed |
The lineItemID field is now sortOrderId. |
Field length change |
The length of the ItemName field is now 600. |
Field added |
creatorType |
Field name changed |
The overrideAccountTaxSettings field is now overrideCompanyTaxSettings. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the CompanyNotes entity. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the ConfigurationItems entity. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the ConfigurationItemNotes entity. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the ContractNotes entity. |
Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue that could cause requests to the ContractServiceBundleAdjustments entity to fail if a contractID value was not present. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the records for the Deleted Task Activity journal located in the Autotask application at |
Entity added |
This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotask application at |
Entity added |
This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket log located in the Autotask application at |
Entity | Revision Type | details |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the ExpenseReports entity. |
Field added |
creatorType |
Bug fix |
Previously, when calling the ProductNotes entity, users received the error message, "Value cannot be null." This issue has been resolved. |
Field added |
defaultInstalledProductCategoryID |
Field added |
creatorType |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the ProjectNotes entity. |
Field added |
createdByContactID |
Field added |
opportunityID |
Field added |
sortOrderID |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the Resources entity. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the SalesOrders entity. |
Field added |
creatorType |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the TaskNotes entity. |
Field added |
createdByContactID |
Bug fix |
This release resolves an issue that prevented the API from correctly updating the Duration (days) field of the Task page in Autotask. |
Field added |
creatorType |
Field length change |
The length of the description field is now 8000. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the TicketNotes entity. |
Field added |
createdByContactID |
Field added |
createdByContactID |
Field type change |
Previously, the datatype for the monitorID field was "integer." It is now "long." |
Tickets | Behavior change | It is now possible to specify a ticket number prefix on resource creation. Refer to Ticket to learn more. |
Field length change |
The length of the internalNotes field is now 32000. |
Field length change |
The length of the summaryNotes field is now 32000. |
Entity added |
This entity contains the attachments for the TimeEntries entity. |

Entity | Revision Type | Details |
Autotask REST API | Initial release | All REST entities and functions are now available to customers. To get started, refer to The Autotask REST API. |